Friday, March 27, 2020

Simple Chemistry Experiments - You Can Do Them at Home

Simple Chemistry Experiments - You Can Do Them at HomeWhen the earth goes through radioactive and nuclear testing, it is the simple chemistry experiments which give clues on what is going on. These experiments are easy to perform. These can be done at home without much time, and the results can be done in a week or so.It is very simple to do the experiment without worrying too much about the time that you have to spend on the experiment, but if you want the results, then you should expect them within a short time. As they are simple, these chemistry experiments are the best ones to do when you have time.Cesium Beta Radiation Detector - this is the simplest and easiest chemistry experiment to do. The first thing that you need to do is put the wire of the detector onto the battery of your camera.Place your hands together, and with the help of your elbows place a piece of the cesium beta inside your mouth. Try to breathe out slowly while doing so. After awhile, the cesium beta will begi n to dissolve, and you will be able to feel it oozing out of your mouth. This is one of the most reliable tests of radiation.Radioisotope Geiger Counter - in this experiment, you need to place the radioactive one of the Geiger counter near your skin. Simply, do a small test for two weeks by touching the same spot of skin. If the radioisotope has changes, you can go for a medical check up.The radioactive particles are produced by the disintegration of the cesium and these are similar to what you get from being exposed to the radioactive tungsten in the tests. They vary in color as well. While some are bright yellow, others are greenish.These are the simple chemistry experiments that you can do at home. You do not need to spend a lot of money to see whether the radioactive particles have changed, but you do need to think about the amount of time that you have to spend. With all these simple laboratory experiments, you will always know what is going on around you.

Friday, March 6, 2020


Test-taking Tactics to Succeed on the SAT/ACT The SAT (or ACT) is arguably one of the most important exams your teen will ever take. Putting together a solid exam prep plan isnt just a good ideait is essential for teens who want to earn the best scores possible as they start their college application process. While thorough, targeted preparation is critical for success on the SAT/ACT, its helpful to have a few tools to rely upon when test day comes around. You can help your teen prepare for the SAT/ACT by strengthening those test-taking tactics. Here are a few tips to share with your teen: Become a pro at time management. One of the most unexpectedly difficult aspects of the SAT/ACT for test-takers is managing ones time. If your teen practices this, however, it can become a strength. Your teen should get familiar with each tests structure and question types so that he or she can strategically calculate the amount of time to spend on each question. Here is a high-level overview of the specific sections of each exam: ACT SAT English 75 questions (45 minutes) Writing and Language 44 questions (35 minutes) Math 60 questions (60 minutes) Math Calculator 38 questions (55 minutes) Math No Calculator 20 questions (25 minutes) Reading - 40 questions (35 minutes) Reading - 52 questions (65 minutes) Science - 40 questions (35 minutes) Essay (optional) (40 minutes) Essay (optional) (50 minutes) Use logic to narrow down multiple-choice answers. Narrow down answer choices to rule out those that are obviously incorrect. Your teen should watch out for answer choices that contain absolute words like always, never or all. Tune out distractions. Encourage your teen to practice concentrating or reading test content with other people around and getting into his or her own zone of focus. Embrace stress management techniques. Even when your teen is prepared for a test, the test setting can conjure up feelings of nervousness and anxiety. Teach your teen strategies to manage any stress, such as deep breathing exercises, meditation, and positive visualization techniques. Use any spare minutes to check answers. If your teen gets through all exam questions, its a smart practice to go back and review the test to ensure he or she did not miss any questions and to revisit any skipped questions. Test-taking isnt easy for all students, and with the added pressure of the SAT/ACT exams significance, it can be downright stressful for some. Remind your teen that studying effectively removes a lot of the anxiety that can come with taking such an important exam. But getting familiar with each exam and learning good test-taking strategies will also help. The Huntington Learning Center college entrance exam prep programs offer individualized instruction tailored to each students precise strengths, weaknesses, needs, and goals. Our highly trained tutors can work with your teen to develop the confidence and test-taking aptitudes he or she needs to succeed on the SAT or ACT. We offer premier, 32 hour, and 14 hour customized programs for any students busy schedule. Call us at 1-800 CAN LEARN today. Learn the solution of the Rubiks Cube and measure your solution times with the online timer.

Dont Be Another Community College Dropout! Part Three

Don’t Be Another Community College Dropout! Part Three Don’t Be Another Community College Dropout! Part III Don’t Be Another Community College Dropout! Part III Make the School a Place You Want to Be Read part two here. + Join Clubs or Sports Your community college will have a large and diverse community of students with a variety of interests.   Community college campuses often have a plethora of clubs and sports available that would dwarf most high school options.   There will be something that you are interested in could benefit from, or would just be fun. Find some group or organization to join that you will enjoy.   This will get you on campus more often, and it will make the campus feel like a friendlier and more familiar place.   You’ll get to know more people, be comfortable in more places, and overall have a more positive feeling and experience. Being involved on campus will make you less likely to quit.   You’ll have more ties to the school and a larger network to keep you motivated every week. + Make Friends This is one of the more generic and common tips in this post, but it is worth repeating and supporting.   Making new friends on campus and in your classes is one of the best ways to support your college success and avoid the drop-out risk.   Friends in your major or more difficult classes can support you and add a sense of comradery to your struggles. College can be a difficult process on your own.   Friends and family can be a big help, but they aren’t always at the same school as you or taking the same classes.   It is tougher for them to relate and support you than it is for your fellow classmates.   Your classmates can also help you study and add some extra accountability that we talked about in part one. If you struggle making friends in class, then you should refer to the tip above and focus on finding some campus group to join.   It will be easier to find new friends in a social environment rather than an academic one.   The more connections you have to campus, the less likely you are to give up and drop it all. + Reward Yourself Give yourself any kind of positive motivation you can for doing well in your studies.   It could be for completing an assignment early, getting a good grade, making progress on a project or paper, going to your teacher’s office hours, or any other number of positive tasks.   Reward yourself in whatever way works best for you. When self-positive reinforcement is suggested, students often have a difficult time knowing what to use to reward themselves.   If you are also unsure of what you could use, consider this tactic: see what you do in your free time when you’re on your own.   Do you go somewhere specific?   Watch tv or play video games?   Play on your phone or read a book?   It doesn’t matter what it is, what matters is that you are choosing to do it in your spare time and must be enjoying it. Take that activity and use it as your reward.   When you get home or have free time, withhold doing that activity until you’ve made some progress in your work.   Once you have made progress, you can reward yourself â€" even if it’s something minor or simple.   This reinforcement might seem silly or childish, but it can make a large impact helping you feel positive about your studies and continue to make progress. Community colleges are a terrific resource for continuing your education.   The biggest downside to a local community school is the higher risk of failure or dropping out.   You should know this going in.   If you know the reasons why many students drop out, and if you follow some of the tips here, you will be able to stick to your program and find success on your educational journey. Michael C. is currently a private math, science, and standardized test tutor with TutorNerds in Irvine and Anaheim. All blog entries, except for guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Smile!!! It`s Friday!!!

Smile!!! It`s Friday!!! Smile!!! It`s Friday!!! It`s been a long week, and you deserve some rest, and a chance to have fun. ?? Today I have a question for those of you interested in video production. Have you seen this funny duck army video? This is a relatively new video  of duck army. But it is becoming more and more popular! If you feel the  urge  to create something great, the urge to produce, direct, shoot or  edit engaging content, but dont know how to start. I have a solution for you! TutorZ has  more than a thousand  affordable local Video Production tutors willing to travel to you.  Find the best video  production tutor in your area.

Teaching English in China Tianjin City Guide

Teaching English in China Tianjin City Guide When it comes it comes to teaching English abroad this year, China is where it’s at. And guess what? No previous teaching experience or a teaching license is required! With one of the fastest-growing ESL job markets in the world and over 300 million students currently learning English in China, there’s no shortage of awesome job opportunities out there for new grads with a degree in any major, as well as licensed teachers looking to make the big move overseas. While in the past, cities like Beijing or Shanghai tended to be more popular spots for expat teachers, that’s quickly changing. That said, China’s a pretty big place. We know that researching and deciding where to teach abroad can feel a little overwhelming - with Teach Away’s Explore Program, for examples, hiring schools are located all over the country. Over the next few weeks on the blog, we’ll be highlighting some of the top cities to teach English in China. From the average cost of a cup of tea to what you can expect to pay to rent an apartment, keep reading to discover everything you’ll need to know about living and working in China. First up on the list is Tianjin - a bustling seaside urban center that’s full of cultural charm! Living in Tianjin As a major economic hub and cultural center in northern China, Tianjin is a modern port city with a growing expat community. Known for its great economic opportunities, and more laid-back lifestyle than neighboring Beijing, Tianjin is a perfect place to experience Chinese culture in a friendly and metropolitan city. Climate Tianjin is close to the ocean and has a relatively continental climate, experiencing a cool, dry winter and a hot, rainy summer. Average temperatures during the summer generally fall around 79 degrees Fahrenheit (26 degrees Celsius), while average temperatures in the winter are around 25 degrees Fahrenheit (-4 degrees Celsius). Transport Like many other urban centers in China, Tianjin has a number of different transportation options to choose from. Since driving in the city can be hazardous for non-locals, it’s recommended that you take advantage of the many other options that are offered. Taxis. Taxis in Tianjin are generally easy to come by and flag down when in the downtown core and fares stay the same regardless of day or night. One helpful tip - make sure you don’t get overcharged for longer distance trips like to and from the airport. Keep an eye on the meter to ensure you never overpay! Taxi Cost (on average, incl. initial fee) ¥10 - ¥15 ($1.48 - $2.22 USD) Trains. Tianjin is a major railway stop in northern China and has many lines running throughout the city, as well as to other locations. Tianjin Railway Station, the largest station in the city, also has bullet train services to and from Beijing. The subway is a popular mode of transportation within the city, and lines run throughout the downtown core. Tianjin subway fares are based on distance and increase with the length of time you spend on the train. Expats from North America will find Tianjin transit fares much easier on the wallet than those back home. Tianjin Subway Fares: Less than 5 stops ¥2 ($0.30 USD) 6 - 10 stops ¥3 ($0.44 USD) 11 - 16 stops ¥4 ($0.59 USD) 17+ stops ¥5 ($0.74 USD) Buses. For travel outside of the city, long-distance buses are available, making it easy to explore areas outside of the city during your spare time. Most of these buses travel to cities in other Chinese provinces such as Hebei, Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, and Jiangxi. City buses are also available downtown as an additional option to a taxi or the subway. The network of bus routes is extensive and can take you to all areas of the city. Inner city routes cover the downtown area of the city, while suburban lines will take you to areas outside the downtown core. There are even special sight-seeing buses if you want to sit back, relax and view some of Tianjin’s famous landmarks! Inner-city bus lines ¥1 ($0.15 USD) for trips under 12 km (7.5 miles) ¥1.5 ($0.22 USD) for trips over 12 km Suburban bus lines ¥1 ($0.15 USD) for the first 10 km (6.2 miles) ¥0.50 ($0.05 USD) for each additional 5 km (3 miles) Food As a multicultural city, Tianjin has a great mix of authentic Chinese restaurants as well as a large number of options from other global cuisines! Nanshi Food Street is a great spot to try traditional local dishes and some with a Western twist. Outdoor markets and vendors can be commonly seen during the summer months, and are generally less expensive than getting food from a restaurant. It may take some searching, but you can definitely find some hidden treasures that are inexpensive - and delicious! Meal @ inexpensive restaurant ¥20 ($2.96 USD) Meal @ mid-range restaurant for 2 people ¥120 ($17.77 USD) Cappuccino ¥30 ($4.44 USD) Milk (1 liter) ¥11.40 ($1.69 USD) 1 Dozen Eggs ¥6 ($0.89 USD) Sign up to Teach Away today for access to the latest teaching jobs around the world. Leisure Entertainment There is definitely no shortage of things to do in Tianjin, and most won’t cost you an outrageous amount of money either! Those living in Tianjin seem to prefer a much simpler life to those in other major cities. It’s common for people to spend the night walking outside or simply catching a meal with friends. Fitness club/gym (monthly) ¥263.33 ($38.98 USD) Movie ticket (single) ¥50 ($7.40 USD) One drink at a downtown club/bar ¥50 ($7.42 USD) Although a popular tourist spot, the Tianjin Eye offers some of the best views in the city and is worth the stop when you first arrive! The famous Great Wall is also close to Tianjin and is, of course, a must-see. Monthly rent Since Tianjin is not a Chinese megacity, rent is generally less expensive than other major cities like Beijing or Hong Kong. Teachers looking to live in the downtown core should have a decent chance of finding more affordable living in Tianjin than neighboring Beijing. One bedroom apartment (in the downtown area) ¥2,950 ($437.84 USD) One bedroom apartment (outside of downtown area) ¥1,700 ($251.67 USD) Internet (monthly) ¥110.75 ($16.44 USD) Thanks to the many job opportunities, friendly locals, a world-class transportation system and many western amenities, cities in China, like Tianjin, are quickly emerging a huge draw for new teacher arrivals looking to learn about a new culture, make some money to travel and experience life in one of the best countries to teach English in. Interested in teaching English in China? Check back as we feature different cities across the country! Up next - Nanjing!

Teach Away Telegram - January 2014

Teach Away Telegram - January 2014 We hope everyone has had a happy start to the new year! This month, we’ll give you tips on how to update your resume. We’ll also give an overview of the recent changes to our application system. Finally, our country spotlight for January is Kuwait.Updating Your Resume for the New YearIf you are currently working, when was the last time you updated your resume? Does it accurately reflect all of your accomplishments to date? If you are job searching and haven’t been able to land an interview, have you looked closely at your resume to make sure it’s the best it can be?Do your researchIt’s important to know what employers are looking for. Browse jobs that interest you, and check out their requirements and preferred skills. You may notice that a greater number of primary schools abroad are looking for teachers with IB experience; that preschools are always seeking Montessori teachers; that principals are asking for proven skills in using new classroom technology. Research what e mployers are looking for, and show how you have these abilities!Highlight specific skills, not dutiesEmployers know that being an Elementary teacher means being “responsible for a class of over 20 students” â€" why waste space writing this on your resume? Focus instead on your implementation of new technology into the classroom, the system you developed to facilitate parent/teacher communication, or the milestones you reached with your students.Condense if necessaryYour resume shouldn’t exceed two pages, which can be difficult for teachers with many years of experience. You might want to try grouping relevant experience together instead of listing everything chronologically, or changing the layout of your resume.A well-crafted resume could make the difference in helping you stand out from other international teaching applicants. Find even more resume tips on our site, and give yourself the best chance of being hired in 2014!The New Teach Away Application SystemTeach Away Appli cation PortalLate last year, Teach Away launched a new Application Portal that lets teachers apply directly for positions that interest them. Read on for tips on maximizing the benefits of the new system:When you visit, you have the option to Log In directly from the site. Once you’re logged in, you can browse jobs as usual â€" but now you’re be able to apply directly by clicking the “Apply Now” button.  Visiting “My Dashboard” gives you a number of updates:New highlighted jobs suggested for youBetter, easier access to our latest news and information posted on the Teach Away blogA tab labeled “My Jobs,” where you can view the jobs you’ve applied for and the status of your applicationThese updates streamline the application process for teachers and make it easier for you to be considered for the jobs you want.Happy job searching!Country Spotlight: KuwaitThough small in size, Kuwait offers excellent job opportunities for teachers, a beautiful Gulf location, and a very comfortable standard of living. It may be less flashy than some of its neighboring countries, but Kuwait provides teachers with the chance to earn a great salary and benefits while experiencing hospitable Middle Eastern culture.The country’s desert geography means that much of the year is sunny and hot â€" very hot! However, winter in Kuwait can be surprisingly cold at night. Many expats wrongly assume that they won’t need their warmer clothing, but you’ll want to have a few articles of clothes to keep you warm after the sun sets in the winter months.Most teaching jobs in Kuwait will be located in or around Kuwait City, as much of the rest of the country is a vast expanse of sandy desert.   In the city, shopping and dining out are favorite activities (though alcohol is not permitted). Teachers can find nearly any type of foreign cuisine in Kuwait City’s many restaurants.Teach Away currently has teaching jobs in Kuwait for certified teachers. For a full l ist of teaching jobs abroad, please visit Teach Away’s job board.

Chemistry Tutor Guy - Help Yourself

Chemistry Tutor Guy - Help YourselfIf you are looking for a chemistry tutor guy then I am here to help you. If you are ready to have a chemistry tutor, then you have come to the right place. In this article I will discuss a few options for getting a chemistry tutor and how to get started with finding one.Biology tutors are known as tutors for biology. They specialize in helping people learn the basics of the subject and go through a program of learning to get a certificate to prove that they have learned everything they need to know. Once they receive their certificate, they can apply for graduate school or enroll in a lab school or similar program for further study. As a tutor for biology, you are going to need to first do some background research on each person you choose.Many employers require their applicants to have at least a chemistry tutor background, but there are plenty of companies who do not. To make sure you get a chemistry tutor, make sure that you find out whether they have a college degree or not. This is very important because it will be easy to spot whether or not they are qualified.The second step is to check up on the tutor that you are interested in and make sure that they have a college degree. They should also have a certification from their college or university. If you are serious about getting a tutor, make sure you do a background check on each tutor. Make sure that you don't pay too much and get a wrong tutor.I am not a chemist, but I have been in chemistry tutoring and know what it takes to find a good tutor. When you are choosing a tutor, you should look at their work history. You should ask them if they have any previous experience in biology, because sometimes they have little experience in chemistry. This may be very important because you might want to get a tutor who has experience in different labs and has had the chance to help someone else. Even if they haven't had much experience in biology, it doesn't mean that they are a bad tutor.Many students have a problem in choosing a chemistry tutor. Some people think that a tutor has to be really good at chemistry and other students think that they just need a person to talk them through the concepts. To help make the decision, I recommend using an online chemistry tutor. By using an online chemistry tutor, you don't have to visit a school and meet the tutor face to face. You can choose from online chemistry tutors all over the internet, and with many different chemistry tutor packages.By using an online chemistry tutor, you will be able to get a better teacher than you would if you were meeting the tutor in person. Also, because you can find them all over the internet, you will have a better choice than you would if you were only looking for a tutor in your own community.